I'm missing Sherry now in a strong way, but I'm coping by still living in a community house that makes demands of you frequently (but all in all in a good way), and working very hard, and trying to get organized.
My goal is to get my delinquent budgeting done this weekend, and all my hordes of filing, and if I'm feeling especially ambitious, I'll begin my pre-income taxes. My other goals are to fix my car door, but I haven't talked to my Dad yet, and to go to church on Sunday and then rush off for skiing. Yes I can just feel the likelihood of that last use of "especially ambitious".
I have been enjoying work lately. Last week Kyle got bronchitis and so I was the boss for 3 days with Adam. Adam is a stand up kind of guy, and honestly, I feel loved at work having him around. Take that Ryan, now who's emotional? And oh yeah, I've been coping by giving smoochies to guys, well, only three so far, RJ , Shay, and Ryan Shantz, but Shantz is impressive, you have to agree, I think I might have even got him twice.
Anyway, Adam shakes my hand or we do the fist punch thing before he takes off, and he picked me up an ice cap and a muffin one day, and got me an ice cap as a surprise another day, "because he knew I'd say no, so he got it anyway."
Anyway, Adam has been fun to have around just because he's a great guy, and because it's refreshing to be reminded of what it was like to start and to learn everything new. I also enjoy teaching people things, and encouraging them, and I get to do both.
It's also fun to have little joke competitions with him, like how much wood can you carry at once? Well, actually it's fun just to joke around with him period. So yeah, guess what Mom, I made a new friend at school, er work. Oh yeah, he'll get one of my six left-over invitations.
And I decided I really do want to invite Terry & Leah. I miss Terry some days at work, and we were good friends, and I think God's Holy Spirit whom they don't believe in will be pretty prominent at the wedding. God loves weddings! It's BC on a long weekend, they might actually come too!
Ah yes, and the weather has been incredible! 2 weeks of pleasant, yes pleasant, spring-like weather! When you get to take off your shirt for a few days, Mmm, mmm, mmm.
I am keenly aware that I want to make money right now too, so working long hours is an agreeable prospect, especially whilst Sherry is gone. I'm tempted to work a few Saturdays, but that might be a little bit over the top.
OK but it's after ten, so I'm going to brush my teeth and go to bed, because even though I got a decent amount of sleep yesterday, it was a finally, and didn't make up for the week or so of not enough. Silly Rabbit, Trix are for boys who stay up reading hoping Sherry will come online, instead of going to bed early when they get the chance.
Adios amigos!
[Addition] Oh I'm tired, what was I about to say. Ah yes, I laughed at JLYS on Wednesday. Mark was helping me and Sarah out. Mark is a middle-aged man (his son was in grade 12 I think?) who's starting to volunteer and he was GREAT to have around. The laugh though, was when he commented, "you sound like Napoleon Dynamite." I had to tell him that I was like this before the movie even came out and made it cool.
And Adam asked how I get so brown, which I laughed at because I am in pasty white winter mode right now - he's delusional.
Goodnight. Pray for Sherry writing an expansive paper, and for Trevor who swore he'd make my wedding fun, and Nathan making a trilogy, and Sherry's Mom who's doing all my wedding planning for me, and Andy getting all romantic and struggling with what will happen with himself and location and future and all that, and us in the UM as we listen to and follow whatever God may say about whats and hows, and really most of these have been very scratch-the-surface of surfacey, and I miss Andy too. The only good thing about him being gone is that I can turn on the main light in the morning and not worry about making as much commotion. I need to start snorting water when he gets back. That way he can tell me if it helps.
Does the Library have Lonely Planet books? Does someone have a library card who wants to sign me out Costa Rica and Guatemala? Or better yet, find them used for cheap? That would be awesome!