Thursday, June 29, 2006

Will Music Make A Comeback?

So, one of the two music books I ordered came. The other one was mysteriously refunded. But it's a start! 1 /4 isn't bad (I ordered both books before but they were lost). Andy is in Canada now. Adam is lending him his amp. So what else do I need? Preferably another guitarist - although I suppose a keyboardist would also be assistive.

Being a music snob is hard. It means that when people come up to me after church and say, "wow Nolan! You've become so good at guitar!" I return with, "oh no! I've lost so much in the last 2 years!" It was Nathan's Dad who remembers when I first came over and learned to play from Nathan. He's heard me play more recently of course too, but it's hard to accept such a compliment when I know how far I've fallen. It also means that I won't like the music that I start making. I won't be happy with how I can't sing and play guitar, or sing for that matter, or as already mentioned play guitar.

But somewhere my mind remembers the raw excitement after playing a song together with a band. It remembers the sheer energy driving bold statements like, "that was better than Delirious!!!" It remembers the absolute joy and satisfaction of melding songs together. It remembers getting on the rare occasion, perfect tone. And all of those memories believe my perfectionism is all a load of rubbish. My self-criticism is all a hoax, the hollowness of which will never stand against the return of experience.

So I need to get Cyler drumming. And I need to start playing again.

Bonus link: Retro Transfigured

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


(Note: Yugoslavia is now Serbia & Montenegro)

3 Continents and more than 22 countries. This is where I want to go.

I finally had the opportunity to read about them all this morning via the cia world fact book. I will continue to read books about them in greater detail one at a time. I'll also need to learn to speak arabic and french. Yes of course there are more languages but those will have to be learned by other people who travel with me. What are you doing in five years?

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Cutting Back

Well here's a what's going on for you:

I will be posting far less often (or so I say) for the time being. I found that it was getting unhealthy. When I start thinking about how I will retell things later it's not a good sign. I also would rather do things than write about doing things (or wishing I was doing).

Luke12:15 And He said to them, Guard yourselves and keep free from all covetousness (the immoderate desire for wealth, the greedy longing to have more); for a man's life does not consist in and is not derived from possessing overflowing abundance or that which is over and above his needs.

A good verse for me to memorize. I will often start coveting. I want a new car stereo. I want more CDs. I want more clothes.
This and hundreds of other verses like it have been so good for me lately.

Let the words of Christ live in your hearts and make you wise.

I prayed that over a congregation weeks back and God certainly paid attention that I was present while it was prayed. All this reading of Jesus keeps reminding me how radical Jesus is. It also keeps me in check. It points out unhealthy thoughts. It points towards what is important.

Deitrich's book by the way has just nailed me. I haven't even got very far yet, but it has already corrected me on so many of my views and attitudes about Christian community.
Converting those corrections into change is hard work too!

Curtis told me he was "talking me up" to "some lady friends" of his. He told them I was beautiful, had high cheekbones and great hair. Do you see a problem with that last statement and the picture it conjures for you? No? OK, just thought I'd check. Anyway the whole idea of someone talking me up seems so alien. Probably because I don't go around marketing my single friends. Sorry if any of you were expecting me to. Unless my implication tactics (and by tactics I mean honest fun with no subversive intentions) with Melissa and Trevor count, I certainly haven't.

So what are your plans for the summer?
I was asked this a number of times this evening. I was also asked what I'm up to.

Hard questions to answer. Well hang on, they weren't, I responded quickly with answers. But the questions lingered in my head wanting more.

I'm thinking about taking a Hip Hop class at Decidedly Jazz Danceworks in July.
I want to get my bike tuned up and do some classic bike all the way down through to fish creek treks.
I want to go on a few hikes in the mountains.
I will go hang out with friends who call me up and invite me.
I'll help organize my parents' 25th wedding anniversary celebration.

Which of these are seeking the kingdom?

Seek the kingdom first.
Love one another.

Oh Jesus, I'm so glad you never leave me. And I must retire for I have many tasks tomorrow.
Thanks for Jono quoting CS Lewis on joy in his comment on Faye's post. I can't seem to get it out of my head.

With that, if you miss me, you should solve it.
