Monday, December 10, 2007

My Name Is Jonas

So the other day at work, completely out of the blue I suddenly had a thought.  I've always thought it so hard-hearted, so utterly rebellious, so incredible - the story of Jonas.  Why would I think that?  It's so easy to do the opposite of what God tells you to do.  

I'm still not writing music.  It's December and I'm still not writing music.  

God directly highlighted the UM as something for me to pursue.  Back in October we came up with proposals for various areas of life to follow.  For prayer we are to set aside one weeknight 7:30 - 9:30 to pray and to sign up for a 3 hour slot on Saturday.  Guess how consistent I've been with that...

God introduced lectio divinas as an exciting way to listen to him more in such a surrounding manner that it was hard to escape how badly he wanted me to do them.  I don't remember the last time I tried.  

God has me framing not so that I become the world's fastest, perfect framer (thank God because that won't ever happen), and not so that I can just pay the bills, and not just to learn patience and reveal how easily I can be upset or have near fatalities.  He told me to frame so that I could pray for Kyle.  And how well do I do that might you ask.  Please don't.  

God gave me another creative directive, that one romantic.  We're doing pretty well with that one.  But even there, recently I've become good at ignoring some of his guidance.  

Dear God help me, because I'm tempted to say I need help from people.  Help for motivation by joining me, by asking me, by encouraging me, by teaching me.  But Jonas ran away with other people and you had them throw him overboard to be all by himself.  And one last thing you told me I needed to do:  learn how to be myself in Christ regardless of circumstances, easy or hard, friends or no friends.  

So right now I have a massive to-do list on my message board on the wall with 3 exhortations:
Don't be lazy
Don't get distracted
Get sleep every day

And yes Jesus, you are fantastic at interrupting as the Christmas story clearly shows.  And like the picture you gave me, you even like interrupting yourself.  So I won't be too hard on myself as you throw so many unscheduled things my way.  On top of those I'll still follow your lead and make sure I take time to rest and celebrate.  

1 comment:

Sherry said...

O Silent Night!! Have I told you lately that I LOVE YOU!!