Saturday, June 30, 2007

Mr. Clean! Mr. Clean!

Quarter to two, Friday night, long weekend, where do we find Nolan but inside his bedroom. Did he just return from a party perhaps? Yes he did... A cleaning party! That's right while putting away the laundry he finished this evening, he finally had the surge of energy to clean out his closet in its entirety, and then move onto his desk and room in general. It's beautiful. And now he will go to bed and get a nice 8 hours of sleep before a promising Saturday with less to visually remind him that he is disorganized and behind on projects. What could tomorrow hold I wonder. A bike ride? Sunshine? A movie with friends? Some time writing music? That question mark on the last one had better not be. I scheduled it in as important. 2 hours on Saturday. It must be.

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