ई eum thaat parason...yoo knov the van...
okay random...yeverything ई taaeep is changing into अ diphpherent language on the skriin raaeet bephore may yeyes nd ई don`त knov vahat language it is...it lookas like som indiyan language perhaps?? ई eum not sur iph may blog vil kom aaut in inglish or something phoren to us al। hooo boy! vii`re in phor अ surprise puyet itar। ई vaas just going to say thaat ई eum the parason thaat vii have al lenkoutnered in kanaadaa vho is liirning inglish। the van vho desan`त yet have al ophthe tenses korrecht nd says things like, "ई eum vent to the stor (using the vard thaat maans अ grosary stor) yesterday phor to bought shoye me phor"... or someting like thaat!! ई have said som pretty phunny thiin jas ई eum pretty darned sur। ई vaas trying to tel may phrench "mom" vho is अ 37 year old hot, chik, kool vooman, thaat she is velkome to kom to kaalgaary anytime!! vahat ई inded up saying vaas thaat she is velkome sometimes। not anytime...just sometimes...like perhaps onalii on sundays। anyhov...vii al loughed until vii kouldan`त breathe nd then som more। more like until ई almost ped may pants। so phunny। but....nechsassito!!! anyhov...ई`म aaut like trout। letar skaters.
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